This process will take about 8-11 months
$760 (or $710 if filed online)
US Citizenship
Here are the general eligibility criteria for Naturalisation as a US Citizen:
- The applicant has to be over 18 years old
- The applicant has to be a permanent resident of the United States either for five years or more and not been out of the United States for 30 months or more or the applicant has not taken a trip out of the United States that lasted one year or more
- If married to, and living with, a US Citizen. The US Citizen must also have been a U.S. citizen for at least the past three years and the applicant has not been out of the country for 18 months or more.
- Since becoming a Permanent Resident, the applicant has not taken a trip out of the United States that lasted for one year or more without an approved “Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes”
- The Applicant has resided in the district or state in which they are applying for citizenship for the last three months
- The applicant can read, write and speak basic English
- Applicant must be willing to perform either military or civilian service for the United States if required by law
- Applicant will support the Constitution of the United States
- Applicant understands and is willing to take an oath of allegiance to the United States
- Applicant is a person of good moral character